
Dan Moors, CPA

Audit and Assurance

My experience allows me to identify and share best practices.

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Meet Dan

Dan Moors has been in public accounting since 1993. After graduating from San Jose State University with a Bachelor of Science in Accounting, Dan served as a senior accountant for the Los Gatos-Saratoga Union High School District. He later became a CPA and partner at Armanino where he specializes in Accounting and Auditing Services. Dan combines his expertise with his passion for accounting in his focus on nonprofit organizations, high tech and professional services companies, as well as early-stage startups.

Dan’s provides expertise in several areas including audits of nonprofit organizations in accordance with Government Auditing Standards, issued by the Comptroller General of the United Sates and as required by U.S. Office of Management and Budget Circular A-133, cost-effective management recommendations using his vast experience and understanding of “best practices” to help clients strengthen their internal controls and streamline their accounting systems, and delivering clear and understandable financial statement audit presentations to audit committees, finance committees, and boards of directors.

Contact Dan Moors


Professional History


  • Berger Lewis Accountancy Corporation
  • Weber, Sanford & Company


  • California Society of Certified Public Accountants
  • American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
  • SJSU School of Business Alumni Association


  • San Jose State University


Q. What was it that drew you to Armanino?
I had seen the investment Armanino made in the nonprofit sector and it was an immediate draw. The resources, expertise and education Armanino provides to nonprofit organizations is extensive and offers great value. The opportunity to provide my clients with more tools was exciting.
Q. Without naming names, tell us about your favorite client and why you enjoyed working with them.
A software engineering company with a subsidiary in India. I’ve spent three weeks a year in Bangalore, India for the last 10 years. The first year I went I’d never traveled outside of North America. My mother-in-law called it jumping off the “high dive” of travel. The client has always been great to work with and I adapted quickly. In India I learned how to ride a camel and play cricket. This audit jump-started my interest in travel.
Q. Describe your work style.
Value oriented. One of my goals is to help our clients improve and always add value. My experience allows me to identify and share “best practices” in the areas of internal controls, accounting systems, governance policies and external financial reporting (audited financial statements).
Q. What’s your proudest moment?
Professionally, it would be helping our clients succeed and thrive.
Q. If you could pass on a nugget of wisdom to aspiring accountants or consultants, what would that be?
Find what you’re good at and enjoy doing. From what I’ve seen, success in public accounting is usually the result of hard work and having a passion for your career.
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Industries Served
Dan's Thought Leadership
What Nonprofits Should Know About ASU 2020-07 Disclosure Requirements
FASB has significantly changed how nonprofits present and disclose contributed nonfinancial assets.

March 26, 2021