Roberto Maragoni

Partner, Armanino Advisory LLC

My favorite clients are ones who challenge our knowledge base.

Contact Me


Meet Roberto

Roberto’s entire career has been in public accounting, and he became a partner in 1988. Since then he has worked with closely held and family-owned businesses in the areas of real estate development and management, distribution, manufacturing, professional services and employee benefit plans.

Roberto is a licensed CPA and member of the California Society of CPAs and was a guest lecturer for the Masters of Taxation program at San Jose State University. He received his Bachelor of Science in Accounting from San Jose State University.

Contact Roberto Maragoni


Professional History


  •  Berger Lewis Accountancy Corporation


  • California Society of Certified Public Accountants
  • American Institute of Certified Public Accountants


  •  San Jose State University


Q. What law or regulation in the accounting industry would you like to see changed?
I’d like to see small and mid-sized entities be allowed to have more streamlined reporting requirements.
Q. Without naming names, tell us about your favorite client and why you enjoyed working with them.
My favorite clients are ones who challenge our knowledge base. I love to be able to do something different and look forward to the next opportunity to solve a problem.
Q. What keeps you up at night?
Not much keeps me up at night, but my mind enters a 24-hour “problem-solving mode” during the busy season!
Q. Describe your work style.
My work style is very involved. I like to be accessible to clients and to staff. It’s most rewarding to delegate responsibilities and watch my team step up and succeed.
Q. What’s your proudest moment?
Being a part of Pro Hockey San Jose, the impetus for bringing professional hockey to Silicon Valley. Within five years of the group’s forming, the San Jose Sharks started playing in the NHL.
Q. Who is (or was) the most influential person in your life
My grandfather. I grew up in Toronto as the son of Italian immigrants. As a kid, my grandparents lived down the street from us, and my grandfather was always pushing the importance of education on me. He never had a formal education himself, but he was always very well read. He seemed to know everything about American history and had a thirst for learning that rubbed off on me.
Q. If you could pass on a nugget of wisdom to aspiring accountants or consultants, what would that be?
Don’t let your job eat up your life. Be aware of your work-life balance. Preserve your mental, physical and emotional energy, because you can’t be effective in your career if you’re burned out. Don’t be afraid to take a break and rest.
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