
Lucie Wuescher

Audit and Assurance

Resilience is the anchor to life’s ups and downs.

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Meet Lucie*

Lucie serves clients in public accounting, combining expertise in internal audit, information technology, project management, client management, business processes and controls and consulting with strong qualifications in identifying and capitalizing on emerging risks to maximize value of internal audit and risk services delivered to clients.

In prior roles, Lucie spent 25 years in Big Four firms serving clients in the energy, utility, manufacturing and technology industries. Lucie also served in firm leadership roles including market leadership, diversity and industry specialization. She has participated in a number of industry, technical and diversity speaking engagements.

*Lucie holds her interest in the firm through LAHW Advisory Services, PLLC

Contact Lucie Wuescher


Professional History


  • Institute of Internal Auditors


  • Institute of Internal Auditors, Austin Chapter Board of Governors


  • Westminster College (Pennsylvania)


  • Dixon Hughes Goodman LLP
  • KPMG
  • PwC


Q. What law or regulation in the accounting industry would you like to see changed?
ESG has created uncertainty around expectations and how to implement new regulations. Many of these metrics are still subjective and up to interpretation. I hope that the SEC takes more time to define what the new industry standards will look like and set clear parameters before implementing new mandates.
Q. Without naming names, tell us about your favorite client and why you enjoyed working with them.
I had the opportunity to work with a large multinational company as they acquired a new firm overseas in a country in which they had never done business. Helping them expand their global footprint was a great experience. For two years, I had the chance to train the new teams in Europe, integrate them to the company culture and bridge the gap to keep their finance and operations running smoothly.
Q. Describe your work style.
I consider myself a connector who brings all the right people around the table to find the best solutions for our clients. In doing so, I provide learning opportunities for our team and allow them to build relationships with clients. I enjoy learning by experience, and I think it’s the best way for others to become experts.
Q. Who is (or was) the most influential person in your life?
My mom. She had me while in nursing school and there were many times when I had to go to work with her during the summers because she couldn’t afford to send me to camp. When I was older, she took me on her business trips and I had the chance to see her at speaking engagements. She eventually got her master’s and Ph.D. and became the first female assistant professor of psychiatry at the University of Pittsburgh. I remember her as a pioneer who took me along in her journey and inspired me to follow my own professional dreams.
Q. If you could pass on a nugget of wisdom to aspiring accountants or consultants, what would that be?
As you start in your career, you must be willing and flexible to do different things. The more open you are to new work experiences, the easier it is to decide which direction you want to go in.
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