
Philanthropy and Athletes: Impact Off the Field

May 22, 2024 | 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM PT

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Webinar Content

Legacies are created on and off the field.

How Athletes Can Cement Their Legacy Where It Matters – Their Community

Join us for an engaging discussion on the intersection of where sports meet social responsibility and the influential role athletes play in philanthropy. Participants will venture into the world of athlete-driven philanthropy, gaining valuable insights into how giving back creates significant ripple effects within communities.

We'll examine the various avenues through which athletes can contribute to the greater good, from establishing charitable foundations and partnerships to participating in community projects.

Watch this webinar recap to be equipped with strategies for planning and managing philanthropic projects and will learn how to integrate these initiatives into their broader personal and professional goals. Take the first step toward leaving a lasting legacy that transcends your sporting achievements.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the critical importance and multiple benefits of philanthropic participation for athletes.
  • Learn how to harness the power of public influence and available resources to set up and engage in effective philanthropic ventures.
  • Acquire actionable advice for initiating and maintaining successful philanthropic efforts in the sports arena.


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