
Corey Pelton

Business Management
Contact Me


Meet Corey

Corey is a director in Armanino’s Business Management and Family Office Services Group, serving as the music industry practice leader. He represents clients in all facets of the business, including artists, producers, labels, songwriters, publishers, management companies, PR companies and boutique law firms. Corey has significant expertise in the international taxation of entertainers and mitigation strategies. In addition to Corey’s music specialization, he also works with individuals and organizations inside and outside the entertainment industry, including entrepreneurs, executives, startups and high-net-worth families.

Prior to working as a business manager, Corey held positions at several prominent entertainment companies, including WME, Front Line Management and Live Nation Entertainment. He graduated from the University of Wisconsin – Madison with degrees in accounting and economics.

Contact Corey Pelton


Professional History


  • University of Wisconsin – Madison


  • Gursey | Schneider LLP
  • Nigro Karlin Segal Feldstein & Bolno
  • WME
  • Front Line Management/Live Nation Entertainment
Industries Served